In my opinion, we are are not 100% products of our environment. We become who we are, not just because of one thing; there are many things that surround us and help us become a person of good or bad. Both Wes Moore’s environments were negative because they were surrounded by people selling drugs, but in the end, the Moores turned out to be different people. When Wes posed the question to the other Wes “If we were products of our environments?” The other Wes answered by saying that they were products of the expectations people had of them, which made themselves come up
with their own expectations about themselves. I disagree with the other Wes because the expectations of his family were for him to go to school, to study, and became a person of good. Tony did not expect his brother to become a drug dealer. His environment played a major role and not expectations. Wes become who he was because he decided to get involved in drugs to make extra cash. In the case of Wes, he became the person he is because he decided to do something with his life. His mother expected him to study high school, so she decided to raise the
money necessary to pay for the military school. Wes had become used to not being in school and did not want to keep studying, but when he learned what his mother sacrificed in order for him to attend the school, he decided to study to make his mom feel proud of him. Had Wes decided to drop out of school, he would have become a different person. The environment is not always responsible for who we are; it is part of what shapes us.
with their own expectations about themselves. I disagree with the other Wes because the expectations of his family were for him to go to school, to study, and became a person of good. Tony did not expect his brother to become a drug dealer. His environment played a major role and not expectations. Wes become who he was because he decided to get involved in drugs to make extra cash. In the case of Wes, he became the person he is because he decided to do something with his life. His mother expected him to study high school, so she decided to raise the
money necessary to pay for the military school. Wes had become used to not being in school and did not want to keep studying, but when he learned what his mother sacrificed in order for him to attend the school, he decided to study to make his mom feel proud of him. Had Wes decided to drop out of school, he would have become a different person. The environment is not always responsible for who we are; it is part of what shapes us.